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Mindfulness for Happiness (e-book & audio meditation) - price per user

Mindfulness for Happiness (e-book & audio meditation) - price per user

We all think we know what it is. We certainly know when we don’t have it. And it would probably be fair to say most of us would like a bit more - happiness! Martin explores what happiness is and how we can use mindfulness to let go of negativity and gradually build the happiness and inner calm which is essential for our wellbeing. Join Martin as he shares his vast knowledge and experience of Mindfulness to help you enjoy the true happiness that he has felt for many years.


You will receive an e-book (.pdf) and an audio guided practice (MP3) for each user. 


You are purchasing a license for each person you would like to read this book and use the guided practice, for example, if you would like to send these resources to 6 people, please enter 6 in the 'No. of Users' in the cart. A user license is valid for 2 years from the date it is assigned. 

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