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Martin Stepek
May 3, 20242 min read
The wise step back
In this series of short blogs Martin Stepek has selected thoughts from some of the great thinkers who've had a huge influence on his own...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20224 min read
When Leaders Fail You
My colleague and friend Morna asked me to write something on this topic but I was reluctant to do so. But as usual she persuaded me that...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Peace of Mind in Ten Minutes
We joke here in Scotland that we can get all four seasons in a day, and on a particularly volatile day we can get all four in the space...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20222 min read
Spring Clean your Mind
It’s that time of year when many creatures start to look for new habitats, or are instinctively compelled to build new homes. We see the...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20222 min read
Mindful Walking
I was walking this morning. Not for fitness. Not to think things over. Not to do anything, actually. I was walking to experience the walk...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Coping with Anger
There are in my experience two types of anger; or rather two sources of anger. One is the one we tend to think of most often. Someone...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20222 min read
How to Cope when you feel Frustrated and Hopeless
Some emotional reactions or moods are easier to manage than others. This will vary from person to person. One person might find anger...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20222 min read
The Best States of Mind
We all know it’s better to be happy than unhappy, positive than negative. But it doesn’t really work out that way all the time, not in...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Who Knows What’s Good or Bad in the Long Run?
We tend to get caught up in the moment when something unexpected happens, good or bad. Yet there’s a very different way of looking at...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20222 min read
Resilience and the Final Straw
People have had great insights about our nature and our feelings for thousands of years. These pop up in our everyday language. Three of...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Value Your Life
Life is precious. We all know that. And yet… Life is made up solely of moments and we certainly don’t treat all of our moments as...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Keeping our Judgements under Control
My automatic mind is incredibly judgemental. Incredibly, in two ways. It judges all through the day. And it judges very harshly. When we...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Accepting When it’s Better to Accept
Things happen. Unexpected things. Unhappy things. As I write this, in late November 2020, we’re into month nine of the coronavirus...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20224 min read
Letting Go of Covid
Well it’s been with us now for a long, long time. Covid. Covid-19. The Pandemic. Whatever you prefer to call it, it has dominated our...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Layers of Kindness
Most of us are kind when we see people in need. Most of us are polite too, which is in itself a form of kindness. Opening a door for...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20224 min read
Deep Gratitude and Appreciation
Some gives you a nice present. You are delighted and say so. You tell them how thoughtful they are and how grateful you feel. It’s a...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
There is always a choice
Right now there are two things alternating in my mind, neither of which I chose. One is negative and therefore unhelpful. The other is...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20223 min read
Create the change you want to be
We tend to think of ourselves as stable, at least relatively so. You are something called you, and I am something called me. We would...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20222 min read
Tiredness and Mindfulness
When a person is tired what are they to do? The most obvious thing is, rest. Do nothing for a while until you feel less tired. We can...

Martin Stepek
Sep 13, 20224 min read
World of Possibilities – A Mindful View of Life
How are you feeling right now, reading this? Good, bad, or indifferent? It has to be one doesn’t it? Or to be more specific all you can...
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