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Developing Focus and Clear Thinking (e-book & audio meditation) - price per user

Developing Focus and Clear Thinking (e-book & audio meditation) - price per user

If your mind is frequently all over the place and you find it difficult to focus, you’re not alone. The pressure of modern living and the constant blast of information from social media and 24 hours news channels has led to a growing issue with focus. Sometimes it feels near-impossible to stay focused on anything, whether it’s work or even a pleasurable thing like reading. If everything feels like a battle to concentrate, Martin Stepek unravels the reasons why focus is a challenge for most of us and looks at ways to use mindfulness to develop greater focus and clearer thinking. No matter what your job, your performance and your ability to learn new things depend on your focus. 


You will receive an e-book (.pdf) and an audio guided practice (MP3) for each user. 


You are purchasing a license for each person you would like to read this book and use the guided practice, for example, if you would like to send these resources to 6 people, please enter 6 in the 'No. of Users' in the cart. A user license is valid for 2 years from the date it is assigned. 

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