Dealing with Stress Anxiety & Worry (e-book & audio meditation) - price per user
Mindfulness not only reduces stress but also gently builds resilience so that stressful situations have less impact on our happiness and well-being. Martin explores what stress, anxiety and worry are before looking at how to use the simple techniques of mindfulness to reduce these destructive emotions. Throughout the book you can also listen to Martin as he leads expertly guided practices to help you relax and deal with stress.
You will receive an e-book (.pdf) and an audio guided practice (MP3) for each user.
You are purchasing a license for each person you would like to read this book and use the guided practice, for example, if you would like to send these resources to 6 people, please enter 6 in the 'No. of Users' in the cart. A user license is valid for 2 years from the date it is assigned.